The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has displaced thousands of families, compelling them to seek refuge in neighboring countries and beyond. Among them are children and families who bear the weight of uncertainty, loss, and the challenges of rebuilding their lives far from home.
Bend for Ukraine is a community initiative dedicated to supporting displaced Ukrainian families as they resettle in Central Oregon. This program provides access to critical resources, including housing, employment, education, and cultural integration, empowering families to rebuild their lives and establish a sense of belonging in their new community.
With a focus on resilience and well-being, Bend for Ukraine emphasizes the transformative power of art, outdoor activities, and enrichment programs for children. These initiatives mitigate the trauma of displacement, inspire hope, and provide a pathway to healing and growth.
Supported by the generosity of volunteers, local organizations, and compassionate community members, Bend for Ukraine represents a beacon of solidarity and compassion. It demonstrates the power of collective action to create a brighter, more inclusive tomorrow.
For additional support, please explore Resources for Families | Ресурси для Cімей, where you can find essential information to begin your journey in Central Oregon.
For Ukrainian families seeking assistance, please fill out the Family Assistance Request Form to confirm your need for support. After receiving your form, we will contact you to discuss your situation. Please allow up to 72 business hours for a response.
Триваючий конфлікт в Україні змусив тисячі сімей залишити свої домівки, шукаючи притулку в сусідніх країнах та за їх межами. Серед них є діти та родини, які несуть тягар невизначеності, втрат та викликів, пов’язаних із відбудовою життя далеко від дому.
Bend for Ukraine — це громадська ініціатива, спрямована на підтримку переміщених українських сімей під час їхнього переселення до Центрального Орегону. Ця програма надає доступ до життєво важливих ресурсів, включаючи житло, працевлаштування, освіту та культурну інтеграцію, допомагаючи родинам відновити своє життя та знайти відчуття приналежності в новій громаді.
Зосереджуючи увагу на стійкості та добробуті, Bend for Ukraine підкреслює важливість мистецтва, активного відпочинку та освітніх програм для дітей. Ці ініціативи допомагають подолати травми переселення, надихають надію та сприяють зціленню та зростанню.
Підтримувана щедрістю волонтерів, місцевих організацій та співчутливих членів громади, Bend for Ukraine є маяком солідарності та співчуття. Вона демонструє силу колективних дій для створення світлішого та більш інклюзивного майбутнього.
Для додаткової підтримки, будь ласка, відвідайте Resources for Families | Ресурси для Сімей, де ви знайдете важливу інформацію для початку життя в Центральному Орегоні.
Для українських сімей, які потребують допомоги, будь ласка, заповніть Форму Запиту на Допомогу для Родини, щоб підтвердити вашу потребу в підтримці. Після отримання вашої форми ми зв’яжемося з вами, щоб обговорити вашу ситуацію. Будь ласка, дозвольте до 72 робочих годин на відповідь.
Amidst the turmoil of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Anhelina Hryhorenko and her family found refuge in the welcoming arms of Bend, Oregon. With aspirations of representing her homeland on the Olympic stage, Anhelina's journey to the USA has been one of resilience and hope. The Hryhorenko family's remarkable story, which captivated readers when featured in The Bulletin in February, resonates deeply with the community of Bend. Moved by their courage and determination, the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF) has warmly welcomed Anhelina and her family, embracing them into their Nordic program with open arms. In the face of adversity, the Hryhorenko family has found sanctuary and a supportive community eager to help them pursue their dreams. Recognizing the importance of sports, the family has graciously asked those who wish to support them to contribute to the MBSEF Scholarship Fund.
The MBSEF Scholarship Fund is vital in enabling children like the Hryhorenko siblings to participate in sports, providing them access to resources and opportunities that may otherwise be out of reach. By donating to the fund, individuals can directly impact the lives of young athletes, empowering them to excel in their chosen endeavors. We are deeply grateful for the warm reception we have received in Bend and the support of the MBSEF community," the Hryhorenko family expressed. "Sports have always been a central part of our lives, and we are thrilled to be able to continue pursuing our passion here in Oregon." As Anhelina trains diligently toward her Olympic dreams, the solidarity and generosity of the Bend community serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement. Through their collective support, the Hryhorenko family is not only finding a new home but also a pathway towards a brighter future. To contribute to the MBSEF Scholarship Fund and support the Hryhorenko children in their athletic pursuits, please visit MBSEF Scholarship Fund. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these aspiring athletes and help them soar to new heights.
BEND CHOSE THEM_Bend Bulletin_February 25, 202 (pdf)
© 2015-2025 Art Sprouts, Inc. All rights reserved. Art Sprouts, Inc. is a registered Oregon nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, dedicated to charitable and educational purposes. At Art Sprouts, Inc., inclusivity and diversity are at the core of our mission. We welcome and serve individuals regardless of race, color, religion, gender, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status. Our commitment to fostering a discrimination-free community extends to offering services in multiple languages and celebrating the richness of all backgrounds. ASI, Art Sprouts, Bend for Ukraine, and UA&Co. each operate as DBAs (Doing Business As) of Art Sprouts, Inc.